‘Tis The Season

‘Tis The Season

With the holidays approaching quickly we wanted to find fun and easy ways to introduce that wonderful holiday feeling into any home. As family and friends gather you want your home to be full of holiday spirit, while still maintaining its current style and aesthetic. Since the holidays can be a very busy time we have chosen a few easy and simplistic decor additions that will liven up your December…

  1. Holiday signs! The perfect additions to your home to break out each winter, these signs are a great no-fuss decor item to put guests in a festive mood.
    Dear Lillie & Giggles Galore

    Dear Lillie & Giggles Galore

  2. Natural Elements. Evergreens and Pine are the typical winter time plants, but they can often be messy or difficult to acquire. We recommend small shrubs or greenery made festive by the addition of pine cones! The natural greens and browns are a perfect reflection of simple wintertime colors.
    Stone Gable & Thistlewood Farms

    Stone Gable & Thistlewood Farms


  3. Decor Pillows! Much like the paintings these pillows are wonderful holiday items that are easy to introduce each year! They are cozy, charming, and can be chosen to reflect your personal style as well.
    Instagram & Dear Lillie

    Instagram & Dear Lillie


  4. Hot Chocolate Bar! We are absolutely in love with this incredible holiday idea. With a few ingredients and some holiday touches this family-friendly bar is easy to recreate in your home and absolutely wonderful for entertaining guests of all ages!
    Aisle Society & Lizmarie Blog

    Aisle Society & Lizmarie Blog

With these simple decor inspirations you can transform your home into the perfect place to gather for festivities. Wishing you all the happiest of holidays!

{H + H Girls}

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